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Wednesday, May 1 at 8pm on MPT - Season of the Osprey

Birds of prey exist in myriad shapes and sizes. Scores of eagles, hundreds of hawks and countless kites and falcons have all adapted form and behavior to fit diverse habitats. But in all the world, there is only one osprey. Following a single evolutionary path, it has conquered every continent save Antarctica. One bird, one design, unchanged. It is the only truly aquatic raptor, the sole member of its own taxonomic family. This one-hour, blue-chip special brings viewers into the life to this incredible raptor with a depth and intimacy never before attempted. Shot in and around Great Island Marsh, where the Connecticut River meets the Long Island Sound, cameraman Jacob Steinberg has achieved unlimited access to an osprey nest and captured the struggles, failures and triumphs of a single osprey family.


Preview of Season of the Osprey

Follow the struggles, failures and triumphs of a single osprey family.

About the program

Experience the splendors and compelling stories of the natural world from all over the globe. The series delivers the best in original natural history films to audiences nationwide. NATURE brings the beauty and wonder of the natural world into your home, becoming in the process the benchmark for natural history programs.